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    I assume that you have come to this page after finding yourself interested in reading something that was in the Beta Reader catalogue? Well, the good news is that there isn't much too it at this point. I need opinions from potential readers about my stories to make sure that they are hitting how I would like them and in return for giving me such information I will happily grant you access to the stuff that I can't quite show to the general public juuuuust yet. I don't need a novel in return and I don't expect your social security number or, frankly, any info besides your email. What I will need is for you to write out your opinions on the story (or stories) that you are emailing about. I'm not expecting a professional review and, in fact, if I am looking for anything in particular I will send a question or two when I send you the digital manuscript you are interested in. If you do feel like trying to up your critique game, consider watching this video by a personal favorite author of mine. (His advice really helped my writing group when we first got started, I'm sure it can do the same for you!) If you are here to email me about something else, well, WECOME AS WELL! At this point in my career there really aren't many reasons that I feel would warrant somebody emailing me- potential collabs or ad sponsorship offers would be nice BUT I am reallyl not expecting that with zero viewers total on all of my various platforms, lol. I figure maybe you might want to suggest something on a story that is no longer hidden behind the BETA Reader firewall, which, is cool if you actually want to send something helpful but maybe not if you just wanna complain about how much you disliked the story with no useful or actionable suggestions. Other than those few things, I am not really sure what anyone could have a need to email me about but, assuming that you still do after dredging through this long and cumbersome warning of a page, then, by all means, please, fill out the form and I will see you in your inbox! Thanks for all the time and I genuinely appreciate your consideration. - Trent Ryan Katzenberger

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Website by Trent Katzenberger

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