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Explanation of the type of stories I write, 

my accomplishments




and why?


Them in the Hills

Vol 1.


It's the first in a series; this is why it is great! Please, check it out!

I am trying to get my work traditionally published so, for now, Weird Shit of the South is only available to Beta Readers. If you are interested in the book and helping me to improve it, as well as my chances at scoring an agent and getting published CLICK HERE to find out how we can help each other out! 

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In Fantasia Paranoia we see the United States after it has been subsumed by & converted into a branch of the authoritarian religious monopoly that now dominates the world, the Latter Day Church.  We follow Kumail & Brother, two of the last remaining members of the countries largest anti-Church organization, known to the Latter Day government as the first and last major clandestine anti-government terrorism group.


With The Church in charge and the last few of their freedom fighter cohorts either missing or right in the middle of being made to disappear  


  Fantasia Paranoia is a speculative fiction serial that was initially intended to be my first novel, however; after much consideration and reworking, I have come to realize that Fantasia Paranoia works much, much better as something serialized.  Parts 1 thru 3 are already up and part 4 is on hold!  The Coming Soon section will be updated when Fantasia Paranoia is ready to be brought into the more regular writing rotation, so check back on occasion if the story so far piques your interest.

Gonna be out on r/nosleep starting first week of October. New part each week, maybe twice a week, depending. But, until then-

Californai Way still needs some editing and, therefore, is only available to Beta Readers. If you are willing to put in a little work, CLICK HERE and start reading my most recent horror novella weeks and weeks early! 

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Still Killing is a very bloody fantasy story based on an old internet copypasta.  You might have read it before.  My version goes a little something like this:

Deep in the woods, the quemer have fought unending wars since times misremembered. Long before man was even capable of waging wars, the quemer fought each other endlessly, and now with man's last gasp of irradiated air, the Quemer are somewhere out there in the woods, still killing.

Basically, it is a short story beginning to stretch that definition wherein some elven rangers conduct a  spy mission deep behind enemy lines as mysterious explosions blast the horizon. It is quite violent and I learned a lot of good lessons from creating it.  

With this one more than all of my other work, I encourage you, if you think you can do it better, please take the concept and run with it!

A Brief Interlude:

An Ant's An Ant

If only an ant could learn to dance it would be like you and me.


                   It would go back to its house, its home, and ask to be set free.


The rest would talk amongst themselves and quickly all agree;


An ants an ant even if he can dance and that's all he'll ever be.

The Intrusive Tryptich, is a somewhat unique little look into the sometimes frightening ideas we know as Intrusive Thoughts and, in particular, how scary such things can be to people who are already in a compromised mental state.

It's a short piece that is made up of three even shorter ones. All in all it's about the size of one of my normal short stories... when you've combined all three parts, hence, these were meant to be read together, as one, though they do function as individual pieces of art as well. That's what a tryptich is, afterall.

Unfortunately, as proud as I am of this unique attempt at short form fiction, I cannot show it to you yet as it hasn't been accepted in any professional circles.

However, if my description has piqued your curiosity, I could always use a second opinion to help tighten my stories up.

If you'd be willing to provide your insight about this story, please, head on over to the BETA Reader page and hopefully we can help each other out just a little bit, eh?

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A direct response to A Quiet Place, Whisper My Screams tries to take that films basic premise and expand upon it. 


Taking place on an Earth haunted by extra-dimensional monsters, creatures that prey on humankind, listening in on our little world from beyond the veil that separates our realities, consuming any thinking creature that dares to make itself known through noise;

we find Schwi, a young woman who is at her wit's end, driven mad by the constant need to remain as silent as humanly possible. 


Looking for some sort of reprieve, she has been thrown into the medical machine, passed from doctor to doctor until she finds herself near the breaking point with no real solution in sight.  Depressed and unhopeful, she sits on an exam table, awaiting the arrival of yet another useless medical practitioner.

Website by Trent Katzenberger

©2018 by Trent Ryan Katzenberger. Proudly created with

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